

E-mail us at:


If you have music you’d like to submit to the show please send to:

KMSU Radio
Attn: Free Form Freakout
AF 205 Minnesota State University
1536 Warren St.
Mankato, MN 56001

*Note: We make every effort to check out all of the material that is submitted to the show and try to support and include as many artists and labels as possible from around the world that we are interested in. Please understand, though, that due to the sheer volume of material that we receive during any given month that we are unable to include everything that is submitted.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

4 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi there, Awhile ago, 31 August 2020, I purchased the 12″ Record by Oksun Ox ‘I don’t care I already told you’ from freeform freakout via bandcamp through paypal. I know these are difficult times with covid and I expect delays. I have not received this record as yet though most importantly I have not received a confimation email that you have my purchase order and it has been shipped with tracking details etc. Please could you follow this up as this is a gift for my partner?

    • This was shipped on Sept 1. I have the customs form and receipt in my records. I’ll email you directly with that information.

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