REYNOLS – Gona Rubian Ranesa (Outlier Communications)
REYNOLS is back. I’m gonna go ahead and call them one of the most psychedelic bands of all time. They sound only like themselves but slip easily into the continuum with Ya Ho Wa 13, Hawkwind, Chrome and The Dead C. REYNOLS had a fascinating backstory, gave great puzzling interviews and ruled the early ’00s tape and CD-R freak scene doing all manner of conceptual noise and flowing lo-fi tribal rock. This reunion record ranks with their best. It is an oddly well-recorded but wild freeform odyssey into the strange dream of a giant green lizard napping in loose yellow pants.

R Aggs – Tape 1 (self-released)
Rachel Aggs plays guitar and sings in three killer bands: Shopping, Sacred Paws and Trash Kit. The music is related to the early 80s post-punk and new wave, but what Aggs does is so infectious it feels NOW. I like this solo tape even better than the bands. No “rock” moves get in the way of the pure melody bliss on these. Minimal drum machine grooves with clean guitar and bass riffs, multi-layered vocals and subtle arpeggio keys, it all flows into dance-y sublime little pop songs. Track 3 “Exuberance” really stabs me in the heart, a perfect lilt to this one.