FFFoxy Podcast #186: Anne-F Jacques feature

On this installment, I speak with Anne-F Jacques, who is a sound artist based in Montreal, Quebec. Jacques creates unique sound-making contraptions, devices, and idiosyncratic systems from small motors and other discarded parts and found objects, and she utilizes contact mics and tiny amplification set-ups to produce really fascinating textures and unexpected rhythms. Jacques’ creations…

FFFreakout #753-762 Playlists

This is what has been happening on the weekly Free Form Freakout show for the past few months. If you’re ever interested in listening to these shows and can’t catch them at the 2:00 p.m. time slot on Thursdays, they are archived and streamable on the Free Form Freakout page over on the KMSU website for two…

FFFoxy Podcast #184

On this installment of the podcast, I’ve got another stack of mostly new music to highlight for you again. Things swing pretty widely this time between more melodic and even catchy songs to the most wildly eccentric sound collage work, but I think it’s all quite interesting and hopefully you hear some of the loose…

FFFoxy Podcast #182: Dan Melchior feature

On this installment, I’ll be exploring the vast musical universe of Dan Melchior, who has been actively making music for over 20 years now. Probably for many listeners of this show, Melchior needs little introduction. Emerging from the late 90’s garage rock scene in the UK while recording with the likes of Billy Childish and…

FFFoxy Podcast #181

On this installment of the podcast, I get back to sifting through a bunch of new music that I’ve acquired over the past month or so, and there has been just a wealth of top notch material coming out of late, so I’m only scratching the surface here. Hope you enjoy and come across a…

FFFreakout #746-752 Playlists

This is what has been happening on the weekly FFF show for the past few months. If you’re ever interested in listening to these shows and can’t catch them at the 2:00 p.m. time slot on Thursdays, they are archived and streamable on the Free Form Freakout page over on the KMSU website for two weeks after…

FFFoxy Podcast #178

On this installment, I highlight some of the great new music, or in some cases music that is new to me, that has arrived over the past month or so. I also pulled out a couple of releases from two pioneering figures within the realms of free jazz and the avant garde who we sadly…